The Neighborhood

The Neighborhood is an quarterly unconference series and real estate fund that makes amazing coliving and cohousing communities.

Since 2021, our goal has been to reproduce the vibes of a university campus, but for all generations, in a single walkable square mile in the heart of San Francisco. Living within walking distance of so many friends and communities makes life serendipitous.

As we envision it, a good multigenerational urban campus vibe has a few parts:

  1. Third spaces: community hangout spots (like our friends at The Commons)
  2. Coworking: community offices (like our friends at Solaris AI).
  3. Living near friends: including coliving (one big house), cohousing (multiple adjacent houses), or villages (multiple near-adjacent houses)
  4. An intentional culture: people around you are passionate.

This is complex and requires coordination between many organizations, but the single moment we're trying to create is simple: it's the unplanned encounter with someone you love or admire. We believe this is what makes campuses feel magical.

Above some threshold of unplanned encounters, your life becomes effortlessly more connected. Below that threshold, and you become gradually more isolated. We think that most Americans live in places where they're below that threshold, like the typical suburb.

To be connected with realtors specializing in this area: click here.

For more about the Neighborhood, check out Jason Benn's blog.

The Neighborhood is a 501c3 generously supported by Schmidt Futures.